Translated Book Award
The Peterson Literary Fund Translated Book Award is presented biennially. The Translated Book Award recognizes the best recently published translated books of non-fiction or fiction.
The award is given to books translated into Ukrainian from another language or translated from Ukrainian into another language. Submissions are encouraged for books translated to Ukrainian from English or French and vice-versa, namely, from Ukrainian into English or French.
Translated books published in a language other than Ukrainian, English, or French, will be considered, if the subject matter promotes a better understanding of Ukraine or the Ukrainian people or is deemed to be of significant interest to the global Ukrainian community.
The Awards Jury will take into consideration not only the quality of the translation, but also all aspects of the published book — the work of the original author, translator(s), editor, and publisher.
The Award aspires to honour excellence in the collaboration of translators, editors, and publishers, and to encourage support for quality literature relevant to the global Ukrainian community and representative of the diverse Ukrainian experience.
Each Translated Book Award is worth $10,000 Canadian dollars, with both the translator and author each receiving $5,000 CAD. Depending on the number of worthy submissions received, more than one Translated Book Award may be awarded in a given year, up to a maximum of five that year. In the event that a Translated Book Award is given to a book whose original author is deceased, the author's portion of the award will be given to the publisher.
The Peterson Literary Fund has the discretion to award a Grand Prix for Excellence in Translation, valued at $15,000 CAD, to a translated book deemed to be of exceptional importance.
Who May Submit an Entry:
Nomination submissions are accepted only from reputable publishers or literary agents. Authors may not make submissions on their own behalf.
The Chair of the Award Jury may “call in” titles that have not been submitted by publishers. The Peterson Literary Fund will then ask publishers to submit these titles for consideration, assuming they meet eligibility requirements. Publishers may submit up to three books.

Submission Dates: March 1 to March 31, 2025
Submission Dates: March 1 —March 31, 2025 (11:59 pm EST)
For Books Published: Between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2025
Winners Notified by: Fall of 2025 Winners Announced: December 2025
Translated books whose original title was book-length literary prose (between 50,000 - 200,000 words)
Translated books of poetry, will only be considered in exceptional cases where the translation of an original collection of poems is deemed to promote a better understanding of Ukraine or the Ukrainian experience
Book translated and published between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2025 (published by a reputable publisher)
Books, whose country of first publication are Canada, the USA, the UK, Ukraine, or EU state.
Translators are not required to have Canadian residency or citizenship.
Translated works may have several translators, in which case the award shall be divided equally among the translators
Technical books, manuals, trade publications, and self-published books are not eligible.
Re-translated books should not be submitted, unless they have significant revisions
Applications for translations that are currently in-progress. The latter projects should explore applying for the Peterson Literary Fund Translation-in-Progress Grant.
Submission Guidelines
Nomination submissions are accepted only from publishers or literary agents. Authors may not make submissions on their own behalf.
Entries are made through our online submission platform (Read below for details on How to Make a Submission)
Publishers or literary agents must fill out the online submission form and attach:
a high-resolution image of the book jacket. Images are kept on file in case the submission is selected as a winner
a galley copy or final manuscript of the book in PDF format. (The Award Jury may ask for a physical copy of the book, at a later date)
a high-resolution image of the translator
a high-resolution image of the author of the original work (if a living author)
a synopsis of the book (up to 500 words)

How to Make a Submission
To submit an entry for the Peterson Literary Fund — Translated Book Award, you must register on our online submission platform, by creating a username and password.
Once your registration is confirmed, you can log into your online profile and fill out the submission form. You can save and go back to your submission form at a later date, as long as you complete and submit your entry before the deadline date.
Do you have questions? Send your question to: